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Re: Poison Sumac

Subject: Re: Poison Sumac
Author: Betsy D.
Date: 6/4/2003 10:40 am
Views: 6869
Status: Approved
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Hi Sandra -

Would it be possible to get pictures of the plants and upload them to this site? Poison Sumac is extremely elusive and found only in a few states (primarily swampy areas of the south). If you can't, can you describe the leaves in detail? Thanks. I'm trying to build as much information on this plant as possible. I've had a number of folks send me pictures of "poison sumac" but it turned out to be an imposter (such as another sumac or other plant).

As for killing the plant, I would think that a strong plant / shrub killer such as Brush-B-Gon should help. I believe that poison sumac propagation is via seed (like its cousins poison ivy and oak) so any berries eaten by wildlife could easily then be deposited as seeds in the general area and you start the cycle again. FYI - the berries of poison sumac are white. The other sumacs have red berries. You'll want to kill the plants before the berries are out.

A reaction lasting 2 months is most unusual. Based on what I know and have read about urushiol reactions, that is too long (I am not a doctor - this is based on papers and websites by dermatologists, doctors, etc.). It is quite possible you had a rebound rash from too short a course of steroids. There are a number of references available which discuss this condition. This would be for future reference.

Poison Sumac (Approved)Sandra6/4/2003 9:36 am
  Re: Poison Sumac (Approved)Betsy D.6/4/2003 10:40 am