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Re: Mangos?

Subject: Re: Mangos?
Author: Yvonne
Date: 6/11/2003 5:13 pm
Views: 3938
Status: Approved
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I once picked a mango from my neighbors tree. I don't what poccessed me to smell it, but when I put it up to my nose, some of the sap got on my upper lip and, like acid, burned my skin. I had ugly scabs until they dried up and healed. I don't remember any blisters, but I think the sap was the culprit. Also, my husband was so allergic to them that when he ate a piece of one, his throat closed up!

Mangos? (Approved)David6/11/2003 11:47 am
  Re: Mangos? (Approved)Betsy D.6/11/2003 4:53 pm
    Re: Mangos & oyster plants (Approved)Yvonne6/11/2003 5:19 pm
      Re: Mangos & oyster plants (Approved)Betsy D.6/11/2003 6:25 pm
  Re: Mangos? (Approved)Yvonne6/11/2003 5:13 pm
  Re: Mangos? (Approved)Pam6/17/2003 12:41 pm
  Re: Mangos? (Approved)Mary Roque6/27/2003 7:40 am
  Re: Mangos? (Approved)Craig Archer7/11/2003 6:24 am
    Re: Mangos? (Approved)Cured with hand soap10/31/2006 12:35 pm
      Re: Mangos? (Approved)Davey8/26/2012 4:43 pm
  Re: Mangos? (Approved)John6/22/2005 8:56 pm