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Re: does PI have an incubation period?

Subject: Re: does PI have an incubation period?
Author: Betsy D.
Date: 6/19/2003 8:56 pm
Views: 7634
Status: Approved
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One of the hallmarks of the poison ivy rash is that it is a delayed reaction. Depending on what sources you read, if the user has had a reaction in the past the incubation period is 8 to 36 hours. If this is a first time occurance, it can take 4 to 7 days for the outbreak.

does PI have an incubation per (Approved)becky6/19/2003 3:13 pm
  Re: does PI have an incubation (Approved)Betsy D.6/19/2003 8:56 pm
  Re: does PI have an incubation (Approved)Janie6/20/2003 0:34 am
    Re: does PI have an incubation (Approved)Betsy D.6/20/2003 1:59 pm
  Re: does PI have an incubation (Approved)Rene Verdugo7/15/2009 1:48 pm