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solvents once and for all!

Subject: solvents once and for all!
Author: Gozz
Date: 6/27/2003 1:28 am
Views: 7904
Status: Approved
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Howdy, all!

After looking over this message board and other parts of this site, I'm still a mite confused. Is rubbing alcohol useful to REMOVE urushiol or to NEUTRALIZE it, as in break it down to something harmless? Or does it do both? How effective is white vinegar at either of these functions? During the crucial first three to five minutes of exposure, should I be more concerned with washing off urushiol or neutralizing it? Should I wash with cool water first and THEN apply a solvent, or the other way around. Finally, what goes on at the molecular level when a solvent is applied, and how does it "break down" the oil? Please clear up the confusion. Thanks!

solvents once and for all! (Approved)Gozz6/27/2003 1:28 am
  Re: solvents once and for all! (Approved)Betsy D.7/1/2003 0:30 am
    Re: solvents once and for all! (Approved)Erik5/31/2011 3:08 pm