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Firewood and Poison Ivy/Oak

Subject: Firewood and Poison Ivy/Oak
Author: DJ
Date: 7/29/2003 11:58 am
Views: 8587
Status: Approved
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I have a significant amount of firewood that I cut in the last several months. It is now apparent that some of the wood had contact with poison ivy/oak at one time, although it was removed prior to cutting and stacking. I can't identify which of the wood was exposed. Will it be dangerous to use?

Firewood and Poison Ivy/Oak (Approved)DJ7/29/2003 11:58 am
  Re: Firewood and Poison Ivy/Oa (Approved)Brian7/29/2003 10:51 pm
    Re: Firewood and Poison Ivy/Oa (Approved)T-Gab11/6/2004 4:19 pm