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Re: how long does it take to heal?

Subject: Re: how long does it take to heal?
Author: Samantha
Date: 8/2/2003 3:45 pm
Views: 12156
Status: Approved
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Molly- Let me first tell you that when I got my first rash, I spent 60 dollars in creams trying to treat it myself. My doctor visit and the perscription totaled 23 dollars. I wish I had gone sooner.
I had it for over a week, thought it was under control, and then all of a sudden my skin erupted! I am lucky that I work in an office with only 2 other people, I was not a pretty site.
The second week, I tried the Zanfel, and it is expensive, it helped the itch tremendously, BUT, it did not heal it. I finally broke down and went to the doctor. Now, when I saw broke down, I had not been to the doctor for anything in over 6 years, so this was a big step for me, but the next morning, I was already noticing improvements. I got Zyrtec for the itch and Prednisone for the rash, I got my first full night of sleep in 2 weeks, and a week later, it is almost all gone. Tuesday will mark the 3rd wweek, and while I still have some scabs from the bigger blisters, everything else just looks like scar tissue that is slowly healing.
Good luck to you! I would not wish PI on my worst enemy.

how long does it take to heal? (Approved)Molly7/30/2003 3:33 pm
  Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)dragon8/1/2003 3:09 am
    Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)Nita8/2/2003 7:55 pm
  Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)Samantha8/2/2003 3:45 pm
  Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)tara8/6/2003 4:04 pm
    Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)Visitor11/25/2007 9:57 am
      Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)Visitor4/25/2010 2:03 pm
  Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)Violetta4/4/2011 0:26 am
  Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)William4/14/2011 9:18 pm
    Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)Chris12/29/2011 6:24 pm