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Re: 4 Week Reaction and Lessions Learned

Subject: Re: 4 Week Reaction and Lessions Learned
Author: Betsy D.
Date: 8/7/2003 11:44 pm
Views: 4863
Status: Approved
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Hi Don -

Wow - that's a great post. Thanks for sharing with us. I just wanted to post a few thoughts here.

I have been reading up on T-cell and B-cell memory and there are some theories (sorry no links here but will look up) that if you haven't had a reaction over a period of time, then the reaction (rash) may take longer to appear, may be less than usual, or may not be at all. The longer duration before breakout could be related or may be as you mentioned about the Zyrtec. Zyrtec is an antihistamine and is prescribed to treat allergies. Antihistamines block histamines which are part of the allergic reaction. Its not unusual for a recommendation of an antihistamine to be taken to help treat a poison ivy induced rash (it is an allergic reaction).

As for the steroids - I've read several credible medical-related websites (do a search for steroids here on the board) that recommend a course no shorter than 14 days. Rebound rash is real and apparently comes back with a vengeance. Something for us to add to the list to discuss with the doctor.

As for the washing, I guess I'm sort of lax compared to others but I've found that a good detergent and LOTS of water does the trick. Check out the The Soap and Detergent Association website for more information. Water really is the key as you want to wash away that urushiol oil.

And thanks for the final warning about reading the instructions for medications. Excellent tip for all of us.

4 Week Reaction and Lessions L (Approved)Don8/7/2003 3:07 pm
  Re: 4 Week Reaction and LessioBetsy D.8/7/2003 11:44 pm
    Re: 4 Week Reaction and Lessio (Approved)Don8/8/2003 0:59 am