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Identifying woody vine

Subject: Identifying woody vine
Author: Peter Mack
Date: 12/13/2003 2:22 pm
Views: 8858
Status: Approved
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I have a number of fairly large, woody vines, with the "hairy" characteristic of poison ivy, and these vines appear quite red as the sunlight hits. When the plants were in foliage during the season, they had a triple leaf, and looked "poison ivy like" but they had no white fruit and looked also like some bramble or wild rasberry. Is the bright red appearance of the wood a telltale indication? Can anyone help? Thanks. Peter Mack

Identifying woody vine (Approved)Peter Mack12/13/2003 2:22 pm
  Re: Identifying woody vine (Approved)Jeannette Martin4/23/2004 3:15 pm