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Re: Steroids: pro / con

Subject: Re: Steroids: pro / con
Author: Lydia
Date: 6/17/2004 1:12 pm
Views: 11185
Status: Approved
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I'm the one posting about all the PI in the backyard of my new home. I'm also an internist (not YOUR internist, who really should help you make this decision) but in any case, here's what I know, if it helps. Steroid (oral or topical) suppress the immune response, which is what is causing the redness, itchiness, and entire contact allergic reaction that is the rash of PI. It quickly and effectively will calm down the swelling and itch. Topical is great, will eventually thin the skin if used for a long time, esp in delicate areas (groin, face) and make the area more susceptible to sun burn, but sometimes it just isn't enough when the rash is really, really bad. Oral steroids work better in these cases, but side effects are: weight gain, insulin resistance (if you have diabetes, prepare for it to get worse on steroids), bone mineral loss (you have to use it for a long time), and short term, it make make you feel jumpy (some people say they feel great like superman, lots of energy, others get insomnia and anxiousness). And using it for a few weeks will suppress your immune system overall (for instance, a friend got shingles (adult chickenpox) on steroids). So as you can see, there are lots of pros and cons. Good luck.

Steroids: pro / con (Approved)Kathy6/16/2004 1:24 pm
  Re: Steroids: pro / con (Approved)BP6/17/2004 8:30 am
  Re: Steroids: pro / con (Approved)Lydia6/17/2004 1:12 pm
  Re: Steroids: pro / con (Approved)Karina6/22/2004 0:35 am
  Re: Steroids: pro / con (Approved)Len6/22/2004 2:02 am