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Re: Please explain the "oil"

Subject: Re: Please explain the "oil"
Author: Bonnie
Date: 11/11/2004 8:47 pm
Views: 8354
Status: Approved
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Hi there,
As a fellow breastfeeding mother with poison ivy, I would just like to warn you about the "steroid cream" that you are using. I was informed this afternoon by my dermatologist that the steroid creams are absorbed into the blood stream and ultimately end up in the breastmilk. After spending hours researching, it serves to be accurate. Natural remedy is the ONLY safe remedy for breastfeeding mothers. Thought I would pass on the info. I feel your pain, believe me! -Bonnie

Please explain the "oil" (Approved)Poison Ivy Mama10/21/2004 11:29 pm
  Re: Please explain the "oil" (Approved)ck10/22/2004 10:39 am
    Re: Please explain the "oil" (Approved)Craig10/25/2004 11:20 am
      Re: Please explain the "oil" (Approved)Poison in VA10/25/2004 10:45 pm
        Re: Please explain the "oil" (Approved)Bonnie11/11/2004 8:47 pm