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Help! Outbreak after almost 2 months!

Subject: Help! Outbreak after almost 2 months!
Author: John
Date: 2/22/2005 12:13 pm
Views: 12876
Status: Approved
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Please help me...I came into contact with either poison oak or poison ivy in December, which is almost 2 months ago. The initial rash was only my hands since those were the only areas that I had physical contact with the plant and the rashes very discreet. I went to a clinic and was prescribed a topical steroid. The rash is now completely healed from my hands. However, about a week ago, i got the rash and blasters on my chest. There is one huge rash mass right smack in the middle of my chest, about the size of a fist, with blisters forming on other areas of my abdomen and chest. I am sure that the plant did not touch this area of my body unless the oil got on to my clothing...but i had washed all of my clothes since. Anyways, can someone tell me if this is normal??? Please help me and let me know how I can get rid of this! I'm freaking out because of what my body is looking like and afraid that it will leave a huge scar on my chest, just as it left small scars on my hands! Does anyone know if drinking alcohol can cause recurrences or eating a specific type of food? I know for sure that i haven't come in contact with the plant since december also...and how can i know if it was poision ivy or poison oak?

Help! Outbreak after almost 2 (Approved)John2/22/2005 12:13 pm
  Re: Help! Outbreak after almos (Approved)Judith2/22/2005 12:23 pm
  Re: Help! Outbreak after almos (Approved)John2/22/2005 12:26 pm
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      Re: Pregnant Lady STILL Suffer (Approved)Judith3/4/2005 0:02 am
        Re: Pregnant Lady STILL Suffer (Approved)RedSkin3/19/2005 4:50 pm
          Re: Pregnant Lady STILL Suffer (Approved)Trudy 7/6/2010 6:50 am
          Re: Pregnant Lady STILL Suffer (Approved)Trudy 7/6/2010 6:53 am