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very helpful posts

Subject: very helpful posts
Author: Mac
Date: 7/28/2012 1:46 pm
Views: 7373
Status: Approved
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I've gotten some very good information from all the messages. I wanted to respond to the Ivyoff posts b/c I would not have found the product otherwise. It was very helpful and I really appreciate those who talked about it. I also realized that my dogs were re-infecting me. Thanks for the tip!

very helpful posts (Approved)Mac7/28/2012 1:46 pm
  Re: very helpful posts (Approved)Brian8/3/2012 7:25 am
  Re: very helpful posts (Approved)Patti7/8/2013 8:03 am
  Re: very helpful posts (Approved)Joe F.8/7/2013 8:33 pm
    Re: very helpful posts (Approved)Brian8/8/2013 2:52 pm