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Re: Sore muscles

Subject: Re: Sore muscles
Author: C,B. from California
Date: 9/16/2012 2:17 pm
Views: 4942
Status: Approved
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I live in California and have poison oak before, my symptoms were the same, itching and rash but nothing more. I am a mountain biker and two weeks ago went for the hills, then got out of the trail to rest a little and got under a big three full of poison oak vines attached to it, I took my shoes off to cool them off on the bear ground, didn't pay much attention to a root on the ground, next day I started getting the itch on my legs and hands but on the third day I was getting paint all around my left ribs, and wen I touched the red area the muscle felt numb, the skin extremely painful to wear anything on, also painful to breath, hard to sleep to the point of scream, here I am on my second week, this is been like a horror movie for me, it's Sims to be getting better.
For those who dare to disturb this plant or his ground domains, let me tell you, this one proof that you do not need to touch it to get sting, and it's not always itch and rash, some times it's PAINFUL.

Sore muscles (Approved)Jim5/13/2005 0:09 am
  Re: Sore muscles (Approved)lulu6/22/2005 3:14 am
    Re: Sore muscles (Approved)C,B. from California9/16/2012 2:17 pm