Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

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Poison Dude

Submitted By: Mike P.
Date Submitted: 7/3/2003 1:25 am
Status: Approved
Views: 6175
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More pix for you. Here's 3 of 7. Enjoy!

The rash from Virginia Creeper in my opinion is worse than anything I've gotten from the Poison trio. I found myself wondering the past few years after being so careful, ultra careful not to contact any of the Poison trio why I'd get the rash and why such a brutal, almost violent rash. Check into the Virginia Creeper, maybe you'll say "ohhh, that's where I'm getting it!"

And again for the people running this site. These are my own photos of my arm. You may use them as you wish including placing them on your web site or in any other way you choose. The poison rash also gives it's approval.