Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

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Submitted By: Ginny Schuelke
Date Submitted: 7/14/2003 12:49 pm
Status: Approved
Views: 3417
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We have 8 acres of property in southwestern Gladwin County, Michigan. We came across this vine in a very shady area near a river. There are other plants around--all non-vine type. We noticed this plant and cut a piece of it to check out if it were poison ivy. I put part inside a sheet protector to prevent contact but didn't save the end of the vine. (Picture on the white background) I went back later with the camera and took 2 shots of the same plant. A vine had begun to sprout out where I'd cut before. I had left one set of 3 leave behind when I had cut off the other portion. You can see these in the center of the pictures with a new vine starting out from there.