Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

Is This Poison Ivy?

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Submitted by:  Ami
Date Submitted: 5/13/2003
Location: not given

Question Asked: I'm trying to identify several of the plants growing at the back end of my property line. Please help me identify the following plants.

Answer: The first plant I'm fairly sure its poison ivy but the picture is small (I enlarged it for use here) and doesn't have enough detail for me to make a more certain reply.

The second picture, I'm not sure what it is. Again, there isn't enough detail for me to be sure. Is that leaf connected to a vine? Branch? It could be poison ivy from what I've read though I haven't come across an a leaf shaped quite like this. Ami, if you see this please upload more pictures with detail so that I can get a better view of the plant. I do see some leaves in the background of the picture that are definite candidates for PI.

The final picture - probably is poison ivy. I see some Virginia Creeper in the background along with a hodgepodge of other plants. The main plant though in front looks like poison ivy.