Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

Is This Poison Ivy?

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Submitted by:  Todd
Date Submitted: 5/28/2003
Location: not given

Question Asked: The home inspector called this a Jumanji House, because of the vines creeping in through the window frames. Most people who have been over to see the house claim that this vine is poison ivy, but I don't think so. Is it

Answer: Sorry Todd - I hope you aren't allergic. I'm with the visitors. Look at the second picture closely. Even though there aren't leaves to be seen, the aerial rootlets on a woody vine certainly seem like the dead giveaway. What I can make out of the leaflet shapes looks right for poison ivy as well. Do you have any shots of the plants on the outside of the house? I'd be happy to look at those as a double check.

BTW - great moldings in this house. Turn of the century? Maybe earlier, like Eastlake? I love old houses (just not the vines that come with them).