Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

Is This Poison Ivy?

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Submitted by:  Y. Zhou
Date Submitted: 6/4/2003
Location: Atlanta, GA

Question Asked: I got rash from my backyard work in Atlanta, GA. There are several plants which may be poisonous. Please help me to identify them.

Answer: Wow - you've got quite an array of plants in your backyard. I'm not surprised that you've come down with a rash as there is poison ivy either predominant or peeking out in the 3 pictures to the left. Starting from the top:

The first picture: the 5 leaflet plant which resembles the palm of a hand is Virginia Creeper. Around it though to the middle and upper right is a 3 leaflet vine which looks very much like poison ivy. All the hallmarkes are there even though I can't see the vine. Poison ivy leaflets are egg shaped and in this case are irregularly toothed. The middle leaflet is is on a longer stem.

The second picture: The main plant (pail green on a green stalk) is not poison ivy. Unfortunately, I've seen this one many times but don't know the name right off. The reason I put this picture with the other poicon ivy pictures is that lurking beneath this light green plant seems to be poison ivy. The darker green leaves at the bottom of the picture and the bottom right.

The third picture: The 2 larger trees seem to both have poison ivy vines growing up them. These are some pretty healthy specimens with some other vines mixed in (just to confuse you). The 3 leaflet per leaf climbing vine clinging by rootlets is poison ivy.